Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Life happens

So much has changed in our lives since I wrote last and honestly I have no excuse for not being on here and updating. I'm going to confess that many days I don't feel like our life is anything special to write about.  I know there may be a mom or dad out there that is going through the same things we go through and would like to know how we do life (and if there is I would LOVE to hear from you). We could all learn from each other. So today I'm not just going to tell you about the good things that have been happening in the West household, but the bad, the ugly and sometimes funny. Here is a quick list of the past couple months

  • Our Peanut was born in January, we applied for her birth certificate and passport in February, we had to make a trip to London two days before we moved to pick them up because even though we were assured they would be in our hand way before that, they weren't.
  • We flew on a semi full airplane for 10 hours with a 2 year old and a 2 month old. I can't complain too much because both kids were FANTASTIC, we only had 1 blowout and 1 change of clothes for mom and Peanut.
  • About 2 weeks after we arrived back in Texas, Peanut got RSV and Little Man got croup in the same week, so breathing treatments, and steroids all around
  • All of our belongings arrived approximately 2 months after we got home, thankfully everything was in one piece and working, I think I might have had a meltdown had something been broken.
  • During all of this Little Man refuses to poop in the toilet but will gladly turn his rear end to you while he tells you he already pooped :|
  • Bubba got a possible job lead in Washington state for it to fall through 3 days later, we are still a little bummed about that one, but we are very hopeful that a new job is on the horizon and we will be able to share that good news soon.
  • It's now June and we are living in my parents house that is for sale and everyday we hope that we get a call from their realtor saying that it's being shown, so far no such luck. It REALLY needs to sell!
  • Peanut is going to be 6 months soon and I am still having trouble getting her to sleep through the night, any suggestions out there???
  • Little Man is FINALLY using the bathroom and in underwear with maybe 1 accident a day (I really hope I didn't just jinx myself)

As you can see our house has had some ups and downs the past couple of months and we are getting ready for some more changes in our lives. Our kids are troopers and it doesn't seem to phase them to much when we make big changes (and for that I am extremely thankful).  Hopefully by this time next year I can say that we have been settled for a while and there won't be any major moves or changes in the immediate future, but for now we play it by ear. I love my family and their flexibility to our life and I love that my husband supports me staying home with Little Man and Peanut. If I sound like Debby Downer (and I hope I don't) I'm not really sorry, life happens, the good, the bad, the funny and the ugly.  So since so much has happened, here are a few pictures of us :)

The many faces of Peanut
Isn't happy unless big brother is near

Helping unpack a few boxes

Little Man always helping

My favorite picture from her newborn photos, she is definitely a daddy's girl :)

Thursday, January 31, 2013


We would like to introduce the newest member of the West family, Addie!! 
Miss Addie, our little peanut :)

Our little peanut arrived 3 weeks and 2 days early and was a complete surprise! At 26 weeks I was diagnosed with chronic hypertension, so we knew that she would be anywhere from one to seven days early.  But on Jan 11 at 12:30am I got out of bed and my water broke! I actually just stood in shock and finally woke Bubba up and told him. He half way laughed and told me to quit joking and go back to bed. I went and called the hospital and they told me to go ahead and drop Little Man off and get to the hospital! Wait, what? I didn't believe that I could actually be in labor. I hadn't had any contractions and we had just been joking earlier in the evening how funny it would be if she came early on her own and I didn't have to be induced. I went back upstairs and woke Bubba up again, telling him we needed to finish packing stuff, drop Little Man off and get to the hospital. That sure did wake him up :) At this point, my adrenaline was going, I felt like I couldn't even think straight. I kept saying "this isn't really happening!" We got Little Man loaded up and made the 20 minute drive to a friends house. By the time we got there I was having contractions that were lasting 30-45 seconds every 10 minutes. I had a hard time leaving him, I knew he would do fine, but we were about to turn his world upside down. He started tearing up as we were leaving, but I was strong and just gave him a hug and kiss and told him I would see him in the morning. We got back in the car and made the 15 minute drive to base. By the time we got there the contractions were lasting longer and getting stronger. We got up to L&D and they checked me out and determined I wasn't crazy and I was actually in labor. (THANK GOODNESS) By 2:15am we were in a room and they were hooking up the IV and taking blood to make sure I didn't have pre-eclampsia. My paperwork that I had filled out 3 weeks before had been filed wrong, so my awesome nurse sat in our room and asked me the 200 questions. Once she had finished, the dr arrived and she was going to do an ultrasound to see how big our peanut was, but decided against it when the nurse told her how quickly my contractions were coming. Instead she checked me out and informed me that whenever I was ready to start pushing I could. With that I had a contraction, rolled on my side and screamed "I need to push, get her out NOW!" The dr ran back over to the bed and 2 pushes later, at 3:57am our little peanut was born. She was 5lbs 9oz and 18 inches of healthy baby girl.We ended up being in the hospital for 4 days, because she lost too much weight the first day and then we had to wait on her to pass her car seat test.

Little Man was very excited later that day to meet his little sister and has been the sweetest to her ever since we have been home. He loves to hold her, help with diaper changes and kiss her.

The last 3 weeks have flown by and have been equally crazy with getting her into the system so Bubba can make sure she is on his orders when we move in March. Moving definitely makes everything a little more crazy and stressful but I really think it has made us closer as a family. We definitely have to lean on each other more.

They already love each other :)
The shirt says it all, he really is the best big brother
Our happy family :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Almost done

I feel like I am constantly behind updating this blog, BUT I am NOT giving up! One day I will do what I say! Things have been a busy here. We have been here there and everywhere!

I last wrote in Puerto Rico with Bubba and I've VERY excited to say that in 2-3 weeks we will be a whole family again. I am ready to have my husband back and I know Little Man will LOVE having daddy back to play with. I haven't been much fun lately. Since I came back from Puerto Rico we found out that Little Man will be a big brother in February. We are extremely excited to have a baby on the way. It's going to be interesting to see what now will happen with Bubba's job. Will we be able to move early, will we have to extend in the UK, or will I have to come back to the US and Bubba miss the birth so we move on time. I know that God will provide for our family and everything will work out like it is supposed to.

Like I said earlier we have been all over the place since I got back from my little vacation. We have been able to go and visit Bubba's family and our friends in Luling. It was fun being able to spend time celebrating birthdays and weddings with everyone.

This week is going to be a fun one. Grammy, Granpa, Little Man and I are going to the zoo and I'm excited to see how Little Man does seeing all the animals. I will definitely have to post pictures when we get back :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Oops I'm behind again

So I got behind again. The family is keeping me super busy!! I have been all over south Texas and more :)  I have been sewing some super cute dresses. So thankful that my grandmother and aunt have been able to help me... especially when I hit some snags.

I was also able to go to Port Aransas with the girls for a weekend :) We had a blast hanging out, seeing sandcastles and not having to deal with husbands/boyfriends and kids for a couple days. Missed my little man and was very happy to see him on Sunday when I got back.

We went to spend a couple days in Goliad, with my grandma, and Little Man had loads of fun running through the house and getting into everything :) He also loves to drive her electric car (more like a golf cart). Every time we go outside he goes and gets into it and tries to drive. He is so stinking cute!!

Old San Juan

I made it to the Waterfall!!
View of Fajardo from the Mountain... it's a little hazy
I am currently in Puerto Rico with my love! I am so happy to be with him for a couple weeks. So far I have spent LOTS of time on the beach, hiking in the rainforest and sightseeing in Old San Juan. I've missed him bunches but know that us being apart is only temporary.  As for now I am enjoying the time that we get to be together and trying not to miss Little Man too much.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Week 8 and 9... oops I'm behind

I guess since I'm behind, I will start with week 8, it was one for the books! I always laughed at wives who told me that when your husband deploys everything goes wrong... I always thought to myself, it's all in how you look at it... it can't really be that bad. And in all honesty, it hasn't been THAT bad, I'm sure that worse things have happened, and the things I'm going through are minor, but sometimes, you just need your husband there to keep you calm. Week 8-I definitely just wanted to hug Bubba! We tried to take a military space available flight home to see family, and after a couple days of not getting on a flight and having things in my house ready to go (already cleaning out my refrigerator) all I wanted was to get home. THANKFULLY, Bubba is very understanding and was able to book us a flight. So Tuesday night, as I watched coverage of tornadoes in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, I really thought I wasn't going to get home in time for Easter. We made it to Dallas on Wednesday and spent the night there, then made it to Houston on Thursday afternoon! If the rest of my flying days are half of what Little Man and I went through on those days, I will be happy. Little Man was such a trooper, he flew so well and hung out at the airports like a champ.

So,we are finally with family, and Little Man is being spoiled by all of his grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts and uncles. I'm loving having family around to chase him every once in awhile :) Easter was spent with my family, going to church with my parents, and lunch and some pool fun at my aunt's house. Little Man thought the water in the pool was still too cold for him but he loved playing with some of his cousins.

This last week, was spent with Bubba's family. They were extremely happy to see Little Man and his Nan even got him a car to drive around her house. He got to ride the 4-wheeler and go see the cows. I think that was probably his favorite thing to do since he didn't want his Pop to take him off the 4-wheeler. We are having lots of fun being with everyone, and in a couple weeks, I get to go visit Bubba!!! I'm super excited to see him!!!!!
Pictures to come :)
The West Family

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 7... I wish you had been nicer

I don’t mean to complain, but I am SO THANKFUL this week is OVER!!! It has been a bad week for the West household. Don’t get me wrong the week started off great. Tuesday we had a meeting with our wonderful CE spouses to plan for the upcoming Spring Fling. Even though I won’t be here for it I am excited to hear about all the things that are going to happen! It’s always a big event for our squadron and has been a great way for me to meet other spouses. After our meeting, we mailed Uncle G a package for his birthday, and we sure do hope that he enjoys his snickerdoodle cookies!!! Then we had to do the not so fun part of the day and get shots. I’ve never had to run out of the dr’s office because my child was crying so bad, but I guess there is a first for everything. 
Making Uncle G's cookies

Thankfully, that night I was able to go out with two awesome ladies. We went to see “We Bought a Zoo” while one of their husbands kept an eye on Little Man for me. It was a nice break and a really cute movie. I try not to cry in a movie theater, but I just couldn’t help myself crying a few parts of the movie. I’m such a sap when it comes to that.

Wednesday Little Man finally got a haircut. I should have made sure that I asked for the guy that always cuts his hair. He does such a great job, but the girl who cut his hair this time didn’t do so hot. Bubba keeps telling me it looks like he has a chili bowl haircut… which I think is CRAZY, but she didn’t do a good job at all. I was quite annoyed when she asked me how it looked but then didn’t charge me full price. I will be getting it recut again this next week… it’s probably not as bad as I think it is, but it’s enough to annoy me.

Thursday is where are week turns to the NOT FUN!!! Little Man and I both woke up with a stomach bug of some kind. Poor thing was so pathetic. I think the only good thing I can take out of him being sick was that I have received lots of snuggles. I felt 100% better on Friday and it looked like he was feeling better to, except for the fact that he then developed a running nose and cough. In my mind, I will take a runny nose over vomit and runny diapers any day! Unfortunately, he started feeling bad again on Saturday, and we left base (after seeing a dr and 3 diapers later) with a very sleepy, not feeling well boy and a mom who had too many body fluids on her clothes for her liking. Hopefully, today will be a better day and Little Man will start feeling better soon, real soon. Lots of prayers would be appreciated because we will be traveling this week and I need a healthy little boy. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Week 6

This week we were incredibly busy, which is a good thing since time seems to go a little faster. Monday we spent recovering from the weekend and got most of the upstairs organized. If I can get the extra bedroom organized it would be AMAZING. I know I said a couple weeks ago that it was almost done, but it has gone back to being a disorganized mess. That's what happens when I can't find paperwork. That will be my project during nap time today, after I take the 10 minutes to mow the lawn. So happy that we have a small backyard, well the part covered in grass is small.

Tuesday, Little Man was a trooper as we had 2 meetings, had to go run errands and finish signing up for a HOP home. He really surprises me when we have busy days like that. I'm glad that he is a kid that likes his schedule, but can adjust when we need him to.

Wendesday, my washing machine decided that it didn't feel like washing clothes any more and died on me. Since I was having dinner with some amazing women at the deployed spouses dinner, I waited and called base on Thursday morning, and within an hour and a half I had a brand new washing machine partly set up... This is when my week started to get really crazy. Friday we went to the store and got groceries for some parites and meetings we have to attend. As I was getting ready for a party water was seeping up through my kitchen floor!!! AHHH... luckily I have AMAZING landlords, who came and found a leak from the day before, when my washer was partially installed, and fixed everything for me :) Thankfully, by Saturday morning most of the water had dried up and the floor was no longer squishy.

Yesterday was a long day of tutoring about fractions, decimals, percents, and probabilities. After arguing with a 6th grade boy about how to change a decimal to a percent (I won by the way) it only took us 3 hours to do 10 pages of homework. It really makes me want to teach again, I can't wait til I get the chance. Can't wait to see what week 7 brings!!